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Aspects Leadership Questionnaire

Designed to examine your personality and preferences in the workplace.

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Screenshot of Aspects Leadership Questionnaire in ADAPT

Aspects examines 28 different aspects of personality and how they are applied to leadership.

What is included?

You will receive one attempt at the Aspects Leadership Questionnaire which features over 170 questions, which although there is no official time limit should take you around an hour to complete. The test comes with a 45 minute feedback call with a member of our psychology team. After purchasing you will have 3 months to take your practice test.

You will receive a report on your responses after your feedback session is completed.

This is a personality questionnaire and is designed to provide an insight into your personality, and the results are valid for 24 months. Personality is relatively stable and unlikely to change within the 3 months' usage of our test so only one attempt at the test is required.


  • PC/Laptop (the test is tablet compatible)
  • Internet Connection
  • Audio output for the feedback call (Via telephone, or Teams/Skype)

What Happens Next?

Once you have completed the secure online payment through Worldpay or Paypal, you will get instant access to your licence codes on the confirmation page.

The assessment is accessed by redeeming the licence code on our ADAPT platform. Simply login or register an account at

The test can then be taken through the ADAPT platform. Once the test is completed, a member of our psychology team will be in touch to arrange a feedback session after which you will receive a copy of your report.


This assessment generates a report comprising a profile of the 28 traits normed against a management population, together with an interpretative narrative section.

View a Sample Report

Advice from our Psychologists

Aspects Leadership Questionnaire is used to understand your preferences on traits that are demanded of managers and leaders in a wide range of industries. Clustered into groups covering Leadership, Structure, Risk Taking, Conformity, People Orientation, Resilience and Commercial Awareness, the underlying model is the Five Factor model of personality.